Code of Conduct
The purpose of the ASIA North Poplar Code of Conduct is to establish and maintain a safe, caring and orderly environment where all children can learn. It is essential that our caring adults model and students learn that they have the right to attend a school that is safe, caring and orderly and to be treated with respect in an environment free from discrimination as set out in the B.C. Human Rights Code. We all have a responsibility to do our part to sustain ASIA North Poplar Elementary School’s Code of Conduct.
Acceptable Conduct
While going to and from school and while attending any school function students are
expected to:
• keep their hands and feet to themselves
• respect self, respect others, respect the school and respect property
• help make the school a safe, caring and orderly place
• inform an adult of any unsafe behaviour
• do their very best to participate and learn
• act in a way that brings credit to their family and ASIA North Poplar Elem.
Unacceptable Conduct
• Behaviour that:
- interferes with the learning of others
- interferes with an orderly environment
- creates unsafe conditions
• Acts of:
- bullying, harassment or intimidation
- physical violence
- retribution against a person who has reported something to an adult
• illegal acts, such as:
- having or sharing an illegal or restricted substance (e.g. alcohol, fireworks, tobacco)
- having or using a weapon
- stealing or damaging property
The severity and frequency, age and maturity of the students are taken into consideration
when unacceptable conduct occur.
• response to unacceptable conduct are consistent and fair
• disciplinary action, whenever possible, is preventative and restorative, rather than merely punitive
• students, as often as possible, are encouraged to participate in the development of
meaningful consequences for acts of misconduct
School staff have a responsibility to inform other parties of a serious breach of conduct.
For example:
• parents of student who breaks the rules
• parents of the student victim
• school district officials as required by School Board policy
• police and other agencies as required by law
• all parents in a situation deemed by the principal to be important to reassure
members of the school community that school officials are aware of a serious
situation and are taking appropriate action to address it.